Monday 6 July 2009

First Weekend in London

So I've finally gotten my computer back online.  Fixing my computer was going to cost 400 Pounds, which is roughly $700 so I decided against it.  Instead I'm accessing a wireless connection, which still works properly. 

My first weekend in London was great.  Friday night my flatmates and I spent the evening in our flat because we were all pretty tired still.  Saturday I went into London and went shopping and had lunch.  We spent a lot of time walking around the city and got to enjoy some time in Hyde Park and at Buckingham Palace.  We were still experiencing unusually hot weather, which made trekking around the city a bit more difficult, but it was still great to see all of the sites.  London is so historic, it's fascinating to see the age of all of the buildings and everything else.  These are some of the things I saw this weekend: 


Saturday night we walked into Kingston Centre, which is about a twenty minute walk from our flat, and we spent the evening in a great pub called The Ram on the Thames (pronounced Tems) River.  I sipped on a great IPA called Greene King.  The beer is a lot different than we are used to.  It's much less carbonated and also served at a slightly higher temperature which makes it much smoother.  The nightlife in Kingston is great, the only problem is that the pubs close at 11pm.  It used to be that way in London as well, but now you can stay out all night in Central London.  Anyways, we took some beers to go (which you can do here) and headed back to the flat early.  

Sunday was a lazy day, and we spent it sitting around the flat and catching up on some grocery shopping and reading.  Today, Monday, I spent the morning in class, and the afternoon running around Kingston Centre trying to get my computer fixed.  I went to a really cool book store and bought a Jane Austen book to read while I'm here and then started working on souvenirs.  I'm going to try to get to Harrod's soon, but I'm sure I won't be able to afford anything. 


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