Wednesday 22 July 2009

Fuller's Brewery Tour

Today my International Business class went to Fuller's Brewery, for a tour of one of the oldest and most famous breweries in the world.  We saw how beer was made in the 18th century and currently.  

This is a picture of the copper beer kettle in the 18th century. 

At the end of the beer tour we got to sample all of the beer we wanted at a private bar.  This is me with one of the beers.

They also let us pump our own beer.  English beer is a lot different from American beer because the only gas in it is natural gas produced by yeast; there is no CO2 put into the formula so it is more "flat" or smooth, and also it is served warmer.

This is the private bar we had to ourselves for forty minutes after our brewery tour.

This is a picture of a Fuller's Brewery beer that was aged for ten years.  It tasted almost like wine, but it was the best beer they had.

It is a much different experience here regarding alcohol.  They start drinking in the middle of the day, and it lasts all days, as a social habit.  There is much less "binge" drinking, and the beer is much smoother and easier to consume.  The culture also treats alcohol differently and would serve beer at school functions, family parks, etc.

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